Başlama Tarihi : 10 Haziran 2024

Bitiş Tarihi :

Eğitim Süresi : 60hours+60hours Support from assistant instructors

Seviye Bilgisi :

Eğitim Dili : Belirtilmedi

Ücret Bilgisi : Ücretsiz

Kayıt Durumu : Kayıtlar Devam Ediyor

Eğitim Türü : Online

Eğitim Hakkında

Cyber Security Course is an excellent way for individuals and businesses to guard against the increasing threat of cybercrime. The Cyber Security Course with Wise Quarter is an online learning program that is convenient, flexible and affordable. It is self-paced so you can learn at your own convenience. The course is also available in a classroom setting if you prefer.

Eğitim İçeriği

  1. Components of Computer
  2. Windows Fundamentals
  3. Linux Fundamentals
  4. Workshop
  5. Final Exam

Free Cyber Security Courses

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With these courses, individuals can expect to learn about various topics such as data protection, network security, and malware. Not only do these courses give learners an opportunity to improve their security practices, but they also provide valuable skills that can be utilized in the workforce. Plus, with the ability to complete these courses at their own pace, learners can tailor the experience to their own needs and preferences.

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